
About Hard Luck Horses

Hard Luck Horses is not a public horse rescue, but rather is my personal efforts to rescue horses.

Hard Luck Horses focuses on taking in horses who have just had hard luck and need a helping hand to get back on track. I take in horses from various sources. Most of these horses come from the Enumclaw Auction where I watch who is bidding on the horses and I only ever bid against kill buyers. Sometimes horses come from Animal Control, feedlots, other rescues, owner surrenders or even Craigslist.

HLH never solicits donations of any kind and is completely funded out of my own pocket and the adoption fees of the horses. All horses who come to me are fully vetted, and many are put into training. Sometimes horses who come in are not able to be rehabilited or for other reasons will never be able to continue on with what I consider quality of life. These horses are humanely put down by either vet administered injection or, more likely, gun shot.

Horses that I adopt out go on a longterm/permanent lease contract. These horses remain under my ownership and should their adopter ever not be able to adequately care for them, they will come back to me. I do check references and require updates on all adopted horses. In addition, part of the lease contract states that I can contact the adopter's vet, farrier, or other professional at any time in order to check on the horse's care and condition. Potential adopters are encouraged to take their time and have the horse thoroughly checked out prior to adoption by their vet, trainer or any other equine professional. Any horse I adopt out may be brought back to me at any time for any reason, however adoption fees are not refundable as they are quickly absorbed in the expenses of other horses.

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